
Newborn Baby Weighing 7.5 Kg Must Wear Baby Clothes For 10 Months Right After Birth

We’re going to share a tale with you today that will really astound you, particularly the women who are already mothers: a Brazilian woman gave birth to a 7.5 kg child.

The mother went to the antenatal care clinic but was ordered by the doctor to have a cesarean section because the baby’s size was too large and could not wait for the due date.

Recently, a Brazilian woman set a record when she gave birth to a baby weighing 7.3 kg, twice the average weight of other newborns.

Local media reported that on January 18, 2023, Cleidiane Santos dos Santos, 27, gave birth to her son Angerson by cesarean section at Padre Colombo Hospital in Parintins city, state Amazonas, Brazil.

Before that, Ms. Cleidiane had been admitted to the hospital for a routine pregnancy check. However, the doctors realized that the fetus in this woman’s belly was too big to wait until the due date, otherwise it would be dangerous for both mother and baby. Therefore, Ms. Cleidiane was assigned to the hospital immediately to give birth early.

Although born earlier than expected, baby boy Angerson still has a great weight and height. This newborn baby weighs 7.3 kg and is 59 cm long, confirmed to be the largest baby born in the state of Amazonas ever.

Fortunately, both mother and daughter Cleidiane and baby Angerson are in stable, healthy condition. Immediately after birth, baby Angerson was placed in an incubator. Doctors said that Angerson’s “huge” weight could be related to the mother’s gestational diabetes.

Baby boy Angerson almost broke the Brazilian record held by boy Ademilton dos Santos. This baby was born in 2005, weighs 8 kg, was also born by caesarean section.

An interesting and funny thing is that Ms. Cleidiane and her husband have prepared enough clothes for their son, but the boy cannot fit because his weight is far beyond the expected. Now, Padre Colombo Hospital is raising money to buy new clothes for baby Angerson. The boy can now only fit clothes and diapers for babies between 9 months and 1 year old.

Previously, the world’s largest baby born naturally was Anna Bates, born in 1955 in Italy, weighing 10.2 kg, equivalent to the average weight of a 1.5-year-old child. Until now, no newborn baby has surpassed this record.

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