
MARIO x WARIO: The Super Mario Bros 2 – FIRST TRAILER (2024) Universal Pictures

MARIO x WARIO: The Super Mario Bros 2 – FIRST TRAILER (2024) Universal Pictures Movie
There’s more to making an animated movie beyond the process of animating the scenes themselves. There’s also the score, soundtrack, and even the script to consider. While some of these vital aspects need to be developed before the movie is made, some can be handled alongside the production. Additionally, certain elements can only be tackled once the visuals are finished. Either way, Illumination needs to expedite its processes to get The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 out as soon as is reasonably possible.
Like every Illumination animated movie, the studio put a lot of hard work into the first Mario film. Taking too long to make the follow-up could mean those efforts are wasted. Illumination is an undoubtedly talented animated studio, but if no one wants to see their movies, talent will only get them so far. By working faster, it’s always possible that The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 release date could be brought forward, and if so, the film franchise stands a much better chance of a third or even fourth movie being greenlit in the future.



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