
40 Fascinating Photos Capture Street Scenes of London in the Mid-1980s..

The 1980s were an iconic time for the United Kingdom, and London was at the centre of it all. It was a decade of considerable change. Long established industries, street scenes, shops and ways of life were being swept away and the often divisive politics of the time were visible painted along the walls.Mike Lidgley took these fascinating photos that show street scenes of London from 1980 to 1985.

 Cannon Street to St Paul’s


Lombard Street (L) junction with King William Street (R)


1 Lombard Street


A busy Sunday on the platforms of Liverpool Street before the station was rebuilt


Aldermanbury street scenes


Aldermanbury street scenes


Alterations and renovations at the Royal Exchange. Cornhill to right


Basinghall Avenue to Basinghall Street


Basinghall Avenue to Coleman Street


Basinghall Street to Aldermanbury Square


Basinghall Street to rear of Guildhall




British Rail Travel Centre in King William Street


Broad Street Station – side view from Eldon Street


Broad Street Station


Cannon Streeet from Monument


Chartered Insurance Institute, Aldermanbury


Eldon Street side of Broad Street Station


Gracechurch Street from Monument


Gresham Street – Guildhall and St Lawrence Jewry


Gresham Street to Bank of England. St Lawrence Jewry on left


Junction Bishopsgate/Theadneedle Street


Junction of Leadenhall Street and Gracechurch Street – new Lloyds building/tower rises in background


Junction of Leadenhall Street and Gracechurch Street


King William Street from Monument


Liverpool Street and Broad Street Station


Liverpool Street development opposite Broad Street Station


Lloyd’s building under construction, Leadenhall Street


Marie Hat Boutique – a small shop that was slipped into the wall of Liverpool Street Station


Poultry – South Side


Poultry – South Side


Poultry and Bucklersbury from Cheapside


Rear of Girdlers Hall, Basinghall Avenue


Revenue House, Poultry


Shops at the corner of Gutter Lane and Cheapside


Standard Chartered Bank development, Bishopsgate


The destruction of London’s Broad Street Station to make way for the new Broadgate Centre


The destruction of London’s Broad Street Station to make way for the new Broadgate Centre


The destruction of London’s Broad Street Station to make way for the new Broadgate Centre


 Threadneedle Street from Bank

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