
A Brave Labrador Retriever Saves Children from Mountain Lion to Protect Family!

A heroic Labrador Retriever displayed unparalleled courage and love for her family by confronting and fighting off a mountain lion to protect two children and ensure the safety of her family.

The heartwarming incident occurred on July 19 when Crystal Michaelis and her family were enjoying a day in their backyard. They noticed their yellow lab Ella acting unusually, growling and showing signs of alertness.

Despite not seeing the mountain lion herself, Michaelis quickly realized the danger they were facing. Ella, with her keen instinct, was trying to protect the children and buy time for the family by bravely confronting the predator.

As the family sought safety, Ella sustained severe injuries on her head, face, legs, tongue, and neck, with over 30 bites concentrated in the upper part of her body. Her selfless act of sacrifice demonstrated her unwavering love and loyalty towards her family.


Officers from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources later found mountain lion tracks near the scene, indicating the close encounter. It was believed that the mountain lion strayed into the area due to disturbance caused by neighboring goats.

Despite the grueling ordeal, Ella’s bravery and determination earned her admiration and gratitude from her family and the community. The family expressed deep appreciation for Ella’s heroic act, acknowledging her as a true guardian and protector.

Witnessing the immense courage and devotion of dogs like Ella serves as a reminder of the incredible bond between humans and animals. Ella’s miraculous survival and unwavering spirit continue to inspire and uplift all those touched by her story.

Let us honor Ella’s bravery and selflessness, wishing her a speedy recovery and continued well-being. Her actions exemplify the true essence of loyalty, love, and sacrifice that dogs embody in their unwavering dedication to their families.

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